Mount Rommel Mining

Information on Directors

The names, qualifications, experience and special responsibilities of each person who has been a director during the
previous year are:


Christopher Osborne Haslam

Appointed on 9 April 2021

BSc Hons (Economic Geology), MBA, FAusIMM
Former chairman of two ASX-listed resource exploration companies and former director of other listed and unlisted public companies.
During a long career in mineral exploration and mine development he personally discovered two substantial orebodies, the Kanmantoo copper-gold deposit (SA), and the Elura silver-lead-zinc deposit(NSW), and also a large natural gas field (QLD)
Interest in shares and options
100,000 fully paid ordinary shares, 3 redeemable preference shares,and 17,500 partly-paid
Special responsibilities

Chairman, Non-Executive Director

Christopher Allan Waples

Appointed on 9 April 2021

BA (Acc), FCA, FAICD, Registered Company Auditor, Registered TaxAgent, FTI
Managing director of Bartons Chartered Accountants and Wealth Advisers. Experienced director of various not-for-profit organisations.

Director and shareholder in a South Australian gold exploration company as a director and shareholder for ten years

Interest in shares and options
4,330,289 fully paid ordinary shares, 20 fully paid redeemablepreference share
Special responsibilities

Non-Executive Director and Finance

Rodney K Bradshaw

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering

Rod Bradshaw is known to be an experienced professional Engineer, with skills in mechanical design, project engineering and project management.
His breadth of expertise covers numerous manufacturing processes.
Special responsibilities
Non-Executive Director

Graeme Leslie Daw

Appointed on 9 April 2021

Former directorships in public and private companies in a range of industries. Graeme has extensive experience in moving businesses into a financially successful position
Interest in shares and options
3,876,197 fully paid ordinary shares, 47 fully paid redeemable preference shares
Special responsibilities
Non-Executive Director